26 research outputs found

    The digitalization of universities from a students’ perspective

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    The digitalization of higher education institutions is progressing significantly. Though the use of digital assets enhances the students’ learning experience and offers new opportunities for administration, there are no uniform standards for the use of digital media in teaching and student services. As educational service providers, universities are dependent on students being able to cope with the structures offered. Thus it is essential to ascertain students’ attitudes of the technologies used. We asked students from three blended learning courses about their perceptions. We further asked the students what should be done and by whom. Our results show that students see structural changes occurring not only in themselves but also at the level of the university management. Our research contributes to the actual discussion about the digitalization of higher education by offering suggestions for development from a students’ view. The results are valuable for lecturers and faculty managers who want to advance the digitalization of services and learning.Brink, H.; Packmohr, S.; Vogelsang, K. (2020). The digitalization of universities from a students’ perspective. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politùcnica de Valùncia. (30-05-2020):967-974. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11181OCS96797430-05-202

    A Qualitative Approach to Examine Technology Acceptance

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    The research field of technology acceptance and software acceptance is a fertile field in the discipline of MIS. Acceptance research is mainly affected by the technology acceptance model (TAM). The TAM is counted as the major guideline for acceptance research. But recently more researchers discover the deficits of former acceptance research. The main cause of the criticism is the focus on quantitative research methods. We will show this with the help of former meta-studies and a literature review. Quantitative approaches are basically appropriate for the testing of theories. The development of new theories or constructs is followed to a lesser intent. In the article we will show how a qualitative approach can be used for theory-construction. We will introduce a qualitative research design and show how this approach can be used to develop new constructs of acceptance while some existing constructs taken from TAM and related theories cannot be confirmed

    Designing a Flipped Classroom Course – a Process Model

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    Digital learning has become more than just a trend in the modern world. Blended learning concepts are well established in different areas of application. An important concept in this domain is the so-called flipped classroom. This approach repurposes class time to focus on application and discussion, while the acquisition of basic knowledge will happen at home, enabled by online lectures. In the past, research demonstrated and discussed the advantages of flipped classroom concepts within case studies. Still, standardized guidelines for the development of flipped classrooms are rare. However, it is necessary to learn from the past to improve future education. Thus, we analyzed reviews on flipped classroom research and used these to develop a generic process model for the realization of flipped classroom concepts. The model is based on phases taken from project management, which help to structure the procedure and associated tasks

    Drivers of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

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    Digital transformation is one of the most current topics for the manufacturing industry. This transfor-mation affects the operational value creation process, enables new ways of doing business and leads to fun-damental changes in organizations. However, the implementation of new digital technologies, as well as the realization of these changes, still face many difficulties. It is important to understand organizational and individual adoption processes. Which drivers push the adoption of digital technologies in manufacturing? We used a qualitative research approach to gain in-depth insights from interviews with 16 participants. For digital transformation in manufacturing, we identified 12 drivers as well as perceived or expected advantages that arise with the technology use. Companies are mainly motivated by the goal of process improvement and demands communicated by their customers. We aim to strengthen the understanding of the whole disruptive and vast changing processes which are ongoing in manufacturing

    Flipped Classroom Evaluation using the Teaching Analysis Poll

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    [EN] The increasing digitalization also affects universities. Therefore, electronic teaching is experiencing an upwind. Flipped Classroom is a special form of digital teaching is. Here, the basics are taught via online content and are interactively deepened in presence phases in class. For this quite modern variant of blended learning, there are numerous case descriptions in research with different evaluations available. However, a systematic examination of the evaluation of this form of teaching has not yet been carried out. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to diminish this research gap and to present the model of the Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) as a systematic and easy to handle evaluation method in the Flipped Classroom. After a short review of recent research in the corresponding areas, we give a systematic overview of evaluations of Flipped Classroom. We introduce from the example of a Flipped Classroom Course the application of TAP as an adequate evaluation format.Vogelsang, K.; Ollermann, F. (2019). Flipped Classroom Evaluation using the Teaching Analysis Poll. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 9-17. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9203OCS91

    Towards the User: Extending the Job Characteristics Model to Measure Job Satisfaction for ERP Based Workplaces – A Qualitative Approach

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    Over the past years the widely spread use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems has significantly changed the way of working. The close correlation between task fulfillment and ERP use has an essential effect on the software users and their job satisfaction. To understand job satisfaction is an important success factor for all firms because it impacts the behavior of the employees. The job characteristics model (JCM) derived by Hackman and Oldham explains job satisfaction by looking at the characteristics of the tasks. Because of the significant impact of technologies, such as ERP systems, we argue that the model has to be extended towards a user-centered view and found technology characteristics explaining job satisfaction, too. We use a qualitative approach to define these unknown constructs and derived an extended model which has to be tested and verified by further research

    Akzeptanz von Projektmanagement-Software: Modellentwicklung auf Basis einer qualitativen Studie

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    Projektmanagement-Software (PMS) hat sich zu einem wichtigen Instrument fĂŒr die Unter-stĂŒtzung der Steuerung und Planung von Projekten entwickelt. Allerdings zeigt sich, dass nach der EinfĂŒhrung der Softwareprodukte diese oft nicht richtig und effektiv eingesetzt werden können. In der hier vorgestellten qualitativen Studie wurden Faktoren erhoben, welche die Akzeptanz von PMS innerhalb einer Organisation beeinflussen. Auf Basis der Studien-ergebnisse wird anschließend ein Akzeptanzmodell fĂŒr PMS entwickelt


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    Digital Transformation (DT) affects whole enterprises and is expected to drive a disruptive change in the way people work. Digital technologies leverage changes from simple tasks to the enterprise-wide strategy. Enterprises expect major benefits from investments in DT. However, digital transformation is a complex process and hence difficult to understand. Many different use scenarios exist so that decisions about the adoption of technologies are challenging. Therefore, it is critical to understand which benefits might be achieved with DT. With our research, we contribute to the understanding of digital transformation success. We develop and evaluate a framework that covers the main dimensions of digital transformation success. Literature from IS success and DT research is used to identify these dimensions. To evaluate this framework, we use data gained in a qualitative approach. We combine findings from a literature research with qualitative results to offer deeper insights into peoples\u27 understanding of what shapes the success. The framework is useful to classify benefits achieved by DT and to point out new possibilities of gaining success with DT

    Theorieentwicklung in der Akzeptanzforschung: Entwicklung eines Modells auf Basis einer qualitativen Studie

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    Die Untersuchung der Akzeptanz von Technologien im Allgemeinen und Software im Besonderen ist ein fruchtbares Feld in der anglo-amerikanischen Forschung der Disziplinen (Management) Information Systems und der deutschen Wirtschaftsinformatik. Trotz zahlreicher Untersuchungen, die ihren Ursprung in dem Technologie-Akzeptanzmodell und verwandten Theorien haben, mehren sich BeitrĂ€ge, welche die Defizite bisherigerer Studien und ForschungsansĂ€tze herausstellen. Eine wesentliche Ursache ist Fokussierung auf quantitative Forschungsmethoden, wie wir anhand von Metastudien und einer eigenen Literaturrecherche aufzeigen. WĂ€hrend quantitative Verfahren sich in der Regel gut fĂŒr eine ÜberprĂŒfung gegebener Theorien eignen, ist ihr Beitrag fĂŒr die Bildung neuer Theorien begrenzt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird aufgezeigt, wie ein qualitatives Verfahren zur besseren Theoriebildung genutzt werden kann. Am Beispiel der Untersuchung der Akzeptanz von Projektmanagement-Software (PMS) kann aufgezeigt werden, dass dieses Vorgehen zu neuen Konstrukten fĂŒhrt, wĂ€hrend einige Konstrukte bestehender Akzeptanz-Theorien nicht bestĂ€tigt werden konnten